ViRtual reality across The Antser Group
Cornerstone Virtual Reality (VR), part of The Antser Group, allows the user to experience the impact of trauma, abuse and neglect through the eyes of the child. The established technology is a clinically-led, behaviour change tool designed to enhance the adults’ understanding of a child’s emotions, trauma and potential triggers to improve the care, support and guidance they provide.
Our patented, intuitive technology, has a diverse range of uses to directly support vulnerable children and young people, as well as the team around them.
Find out more about Cornerstone VR via their website here.
the programme
Proximity is a key driver for empathy. Our VR Programme, closely follows the lives of children and young people from pre-birth to adolescence as they experience trauma, abuse and neglect, placing the user at the heart of their experiences through a series of VR immersive films.
By embarking on an unforgettable journey through VR, practitioners who work with children, young people and families will develop an enhanced understanding and empathy towards vulnerable individuals, ultimately challenging their own behaviour to better respond in ways that will prevent future trauma and damage.
learning & development
Our Virtual Reality enabled courses are a learning and development tool that enables positive change focusing on the everyday challenges for those working with children, adults and families. This includes social work professionals, occupational therapists, other social care practitioners, provider services and partner agencies such as the education sector and health. By enhancing the learning experience with VR technology, practitioners will benefit a more rapid and enhanced learning journey.
The Cornerstone VR Programme is used across almost 50% of local authorities in England
We deliver over 300 training courses every year
2000 VR practitioners certified across 3 continents and 6 countries experiencing immersive films
case studies
The VR Programme and learning tools are used extensively by teams across the children’s services sector, including early intervention – parenting programme, children centres; health; education; social care – foster care, adoption, children in care teams, youth offending teams, perpetrators, the police, judiciary and frontline NHS teams. Explore our case studies by clicking below: